Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Apocalypse/Revelation Revealed by Christ II

Apocalypse: (Greek) Revelation - a great revealing of secrets hidden since the foundation of Earth by the 2nd Coming of the Christ (Rev 5:1).
the making known of something previously concealed.

The last book of the Bible is known as The Apocalypse of Jesus the Christ to St. John the Divine of Patmos or simply The Revelation. Since the Apostle John received these visions c. 68 AD, millions have read or heard it read and been quite confused! Here are the explanations of the main points of...

The Book of Revelation revealed by Christ II

1. The Revelation is the mystery of Jesus the Christ detailing his return. The book is first-and-foremost all about the Second Coming of the Christ and the synchronized events that happen at that time.

2. The Revelation is a prohecy that is about this time: 2012 Anno Domini and the years since 1959 - the birth of Christ II - and 1,000 years after (through 2958). The Christ II 'rules' for 1,000 years and ushers in a New Age/Messianic Age of world unity and world peace. 12/21/12 was the end of the previous age - the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius is very debatable among 'experts'. Note: There is no "end of time"* or "end of the world" as some doomsdayers predict, these are mistranslations/misinterpretation of Matthew 13:40, 24:3, etc.
3. The Revelation is an encoded message that like every encoded message is meant for only the special recipient(s) who knows the code and symbols to understand, i.e. Christ II. It's written using Biblical symbolism, sacred geometry/sacred gematria (Greek isopsephy), especially GOD=7_4, and sacred numerology. The #7 occurs 58 times* in The Revelation (not including chapter & verse numbers) - this is a very significant symbolic code!

4. The Revelation encodes GOD=7_4 in the beginning of Chapter 7, "And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth". Rev 7:4, "And I heard the number". "7 Seals" but only "4 Horseman".

5. The Revelation was visions from the Christ from the future (now) involving paradigm-shifting science58, i.e. the 2nd Coming of the 'Light' & E=mc2, *God=CEe=5m x/+ 8t=40/13mt, "7 seals" (Rev 5:1-10:10) are 'beyond Einstein theories'. "A new heavens and a new earth" (Rev 21:1) are the literal understanding of The Conglomerate of nonparallel-universes and other 'true Earth-like exoplanets'.

6. The Revelation 1:7 refers to the Christ II being in an airplane; "Behold, he is coming with the clouds₇₄, and every eye will see him".

7. The Revelation is very 'Biblical' in so much that it has references to the books of the Old Testament - especially the prophetic Ezekial & Daniel - and the Christian Greek 'New' Testament (after almost 2,000 years, its ardly new).

8. The Revelation and the entire Bible works in many languages, yet English is now the primary language of the world and English is the language whereas the prophecies come alive! English is the 'Holy Tongue' which God used to create Earth primarily through GOD=7_4.
9. The Revelation Chapter 13 and the "666 1st Beast" was Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6): the 40th President of the United States whose actions were the opposite of the Christ's (Antichrist), was "the ruler of the world, lied to all nations, and was wounded yet lived". "They should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live" - Rev 13:14. There's a 9-foot-statue at the Reagan Presidential Library in California that every Republican politician and Right-Wing Christian leader has their picture taken in front of. Conservatives in London had a statue of Reagan erected there as well. The Reagan Presidential Foundation erected another image-to-the-beast/ statue of Reagan 666 at the National Airport in Nov. 2011.
10. The Revelation's "2nd Beast who imitated the '1st Beast'" was George Walker Bush (Jr.): the 43rd President of the United States "who exercised all the power/authority of the 1st Beast". "He made fire come down from the heavens with the 'destruction of Babylon' (War In Iraq)". When asked by a reporter, "Do you ask your father for advice?", Pres. Bush Jr. replied, "No, I imitate Ronald Reagan."
11. The "666 mark of the Beast that everyone must have to buy or sell with" is the United⁶ States⁶ Dollar⁶ - The Revelation Chapter 13. On the back of the US $1 Dollar Bill, the #13 is encoded 13 times. The US Great Seal has 7 examples of the #13. 
12. The Revelation is ALL about the USA - 'God's chosen people'. The 2nd dictionary definition of 'Israel' is God's chosen people. The USA is also the "New Jerusalem" and "Mystery Babylon"
13. Christ does NOT return to be king of anything - Christ II is anti-royalty and pro-democracy. He would be best recognized and become the 1st worldwide democratically elected President of the United Nations.
14. The Revelation in Chapter 20:2-3 refers to "And he seized the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled; and after that he must be loosed a little." Seal #7: Reincarnation Theory & its 26 Principles including the Theory of Luck. It is this previously conceived metaphysical concept now presented as physics that 'seals' the eternal soul of Ronald⁶ Wilson⁶ Reagan⁶ in a hellish cycle of non-human reincarnations, i.e. beef cows.
15. The Revelation in Chapter 14, 16, 17, and all of 18 prophesied the "destruction of Babylon": literally modern-day Iraq where the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon are 50 miles south of Baghdad across the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. After the war in 2002, the US & Polish Armies turned the archaelogically sensitive ruins of Babylon into a military base and 'somewhat destroyed' it. The figurative definition of 'Babylon' is any city that has excess luxury and overt sin.
16. The Revelation refers to the "New World" which has been symbolically used to refer to North and South America since c. 1500.
17. The "New Jerusalem" is the United States and in particular: Miami - the world's most diverse city. I, Christ II, was born in Miami on July 26, 1959: the "Day of the Revolution" in Cuba.
18. The Revelation used astrology/astronomy in its encoding, i.e. Christ I "the Lamb" was born as an Aries the Ram (baby rams are lambs)/4th month and Christ II "the Lion" was born as a Leo/7th month ('Christmas In July'). This is the real encoded meaning behind the phrase "The Lion and the Lamb" as well as a significant example of GOD=7_4.
19. The Revelation is the only book of the Bible that states that the reader and listener will receive a special blessing just for reading and hearing it. Rev 1:3, "Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and will keep what is written theirin; for the time is near." This is repeated in the last chapter: Rev 22:7, "Blessed is he that keeps the words of the prophecy of this book."
20. The Revelation states that when the Christ returns, "Everyone will be judged according to their actions." - Rev 2:23, 19:11, 20:12, 20:13, 22:12. Thus, the 'Get Out Of Jail FREE Card' that Christians have had is now void! "I have the keys of Death and Hades" - Rev 1:18. How does the Christ sentence sinners? Through 'bad luck' and non-desirible (hellish) reincarnations.
21. The Revelation refers to the "Bride of Christ" (Rev 19:7, 22:17) which has always been symbolically interrupted as "the Church as a whole". But this should also be literally interrepted as the reincarnated Y'shua Nazarene being reunited with the reincarnated Mary Magdalen.
22. The Revelation refers to the souls of the martyers of Jesus' followers and followers of the word of God being reincarnated and reigning with Christ II for 1,000 years - Rev 20:4-6.
23. The Revelation prophesied how "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever." - Rev 11:15. 'Heaven on Earth' actually takes place. The Theory of Renativity and Reincarnation Theory and its 23 Principles provides scientific explanation.
24. The Revelation condones slavery in Rev 19:18. Here's the classic example of God/Good continuing after the Bible was written and beyond its message. Southerners in the US prior to the Civil War used the Bible's many passages condoning slavery to support their evil economic system.
25. The Revelation makes a distinction between Standard/Biblical cubits (6 palms x 4 fingers) vs. Royal/ Egyptian Cubits74 (7 palms x 4 fingers) in Rev 21:17, "Cubits by a man's measure".
26. The Revelation was written by the Apostle John who was the son of John the Baptist and Mary Magdalen. After the Baptist was killed, in the tradition of the Hebrews at the time, Jesus - the 1st cousin of the Baptist and his closest male relative - married Mary (at Cana) and adopted John as his stepson. The Roman practice of crucifixion allowed for only the immediate family of the condemned to be present/near their cross. In John's Gospel, he writes how he as the "beloved disciple" was near Jesus' Cross. This special relationship explains why the Apostle John was able to receive such an intense vision of the future from God and Jesus.
27. The Revelation 9:11, "Pit & The Destroyer" and 9/11 (September 11). Rev 9:11, "Their king is the Prince of the bottomless pit whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek Apollo (and in English, The Destroyer)."
There are several other prophecies in the Bible that either directly refer to the Christ's return (Matthew Chapter 24) or have been interepted as such. The term Rapture is NOT found in the Bible. It has been used to refer to the two verses of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever." The only way someboby "will be caught up together in the clouds to meet Christ II in the air" is for them to find themselves on an airplane with me. And of course, we will be landing somewhere on Earth, possibly Miami, which is a Paradise.
Non-coincidental synchronic reaction: 1/26/12 17:54 "17 Hole Par 4" - Golf Channel 18:12 "Times up" DVD 18:23 ABC "Gingrich is no Ronald Reagan" ad. 7/11/13 19:59 "Babylon 5" - The Big Bang Theory

See and

- Brad Watson, Miami
author of There Are No Coincidences - there is synchronism, chaos' interconnectedness and underlying patterns, nonlocality,   and alignment. This is the "book/scroll" prophesied in The Revelation 5:1-10:10 with the "7 seals"/'beyond Einstein theories' on the cover

1 comment:

  1. According to The Revelation 5:1-10:10, the "book/scroll is sealed with 7 seals and only the Christ can receive it from the right hand of God and open it." Bible scholars and laymen have speculated about just what is the meaning of this prophecy, but most agree that the 2nd Coming of the Christ is the only one that can produce this "book/scroll" which contains paradigm-shifting information that God had kept secret.

    I claim to have produced this 74-page booklet entitled: 'There Are No Coincidences - there is synchronism'. The "7 seals" are 'beyond Einstein theories' (google that) that are found in their simplest form on the cover.

    - Brad Watson, Miami
